Hello, I’m Candace!

Growing up, I dreamed of starting my own business. From as long as I can remember, I would create ‘business plans’ and fantasize about owning something that would give me financial freedom. In 2012, I self published a novel and thus began my decade into the world of online business, branding, and marketing. 

By no means were the last ten years easy, and learning the right way to build a business through effective strategy & messaging is when EVERYTHING changed. I began to book clients, made REAL MONEY, and most importantly created the business of my dreams. 

But none of this happened until I changed my mindset. I learned that overcoming personal challenges are the breadcrumbs to success, and the coaches who helped me the most were the real “difference makers”.

This is the big reason I work with coaches, helping them to build strong brands and client marketing systems. 

My end result is not to simply give you a beautiful brand and logo. Together we walk hand-in-hand to create a brand strategy & website that gives you freedom, fulfillment, and financial security enabling you to help more people become healthy, whole, & healed. An impact in which legacies are born. 

Let’s partner up.