How to Write a Perfect About Page

May 11, 2021 | Marketing | 0 comments

I know first-hand that the About page is your chance to make a great impression on potential clients. Honestly, writing about yourself can be tough. You don’t want to come across as braggy, but you still want people to know you’ve walked the walk. You have experience, maybe even an accreditation or degree, and you consider yourself an expert when it comes to doing what you do.

What if you were able to tell your entire life story in a paragraph? That’s what the About page is for. It should be short and sweet, but still contain all the necessary information that people need to know before they get an idea of who you are as a person or business owner. You want them inspired by your work ethic and motivated enough so that they continue following along with everything else on your blog!

But nothing turns a reader off faster than an endless list of mundane accomplishments. Your About page is the quickest way for a reader to discover who you are and why they should continue engaging with your content, so take advantage and make it interesting!

Why an About Page Matters

Your About page is often one of the most visited pages on your website, second only to your homepage. It serves as a pivotal touchpoint for visitors seeking to understand who you are and what you stand for. A well-crafted About page can:

  • Build Trust: By sharing your story and values, you can create a sense of trust and authenticity, which is essential for converting visitors into clients.
  • Differentiate Your Brand: In a crowded marketplace, your unique story and personality can set you apart from competitors. This differentiation is key in attracting the right clients.
  • Encourage Engagement: A compelling About page can motivate visitors to explore your services, subscribe to your newsletter, or reach out for collaboration.

Three Tips for Crafting Your Perfect About Page

Here are three short and sweet tips to help you craft the perfect About page:

1. Make It About Them

One of the easiest ways to write your About page is to make it about your ideal client or customer. As business owners, we’re used to focusing on the needs of our customers and the people we serve, so leaning into what makes sense is crucial.

Customers who visit your website really want to know what you can offer. How can you help them? Nine times out of ten, they’re not that impressed by your mile-long list of accolades if it doesn’t provide them some relief from their pain points or problems.

Your accolades do belong on the page, as they help establish credibility, but at the end of the day, people want to know that you understand them and can help them. Make sure that the words you write focus more on what you can do for your dream client and read less like a resume.

2. Tell a Story

Coming from a background in fiction writing, I’ve learned the power of stories. Stories are inspirational and can drive action when used correctly. If you can effectively tell your story in a way that connects you with your dream client, they’ll be more compelled to trust you.

Typically, we like people we can relate to. This is your chance to get authentic and let them know that you’ve not only been where they currently are, but that you’re now passionate about helping them get to the same place. Don’t be afraid to let loose and bare your soul.

A great way to structure your story is to follow a narrative arc:

  • The Beginning: Share your background and what led you to where you are today.
  • The Challenge: Talk about obstacles you faced and how they shaped your perspective.
  • The Resolution: Explain how you overcame those challenges and what you’ve learned.

By framing your story this way, you create a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience and encourages them to engage with your brand.

3. End with a Call-to-Action

Most people don’t think of an About page as a sales tool, but here’s a little secret: every page on your website should be helping you convert! Therefore, you should always end all of your content pieces, including your About page, with a call-to-action. Ideally, it’s something like “work with me” or “contact me,” but it could also be as simple as “leave a comment.”

Don’t let your About page send your dream client away from your website. It’s your chance to make a great impression on potential clients. Your call-to-action could also encourage them to explore your services, sign up for your newsletter, or follow you on social media.

Additional Tips for a Compelling About Page

While the three main tips provide a solid foundation for your About page, here are a few additional strategies to enhance its effectiveness:

  • Use High-Quality Images: Including a professional photo of yourself or your team can make your About page more relatable. It allows visitors to put a face to the name, fostering a stronger connection.
  • Keep It Concise: While it’s important to tell your story, be mindful of the length. Aim for a clear, concise narrative that engages readers without overwhelming them with details.
  • Include Testimonials: If you have positive feedback from clients or customers, consider incorporating a few testimonials on your About page. This social proof can enhance your credibility and encourage potential clients to trust you.
  • Optimize for SEO: Don’t forget to optimize your About page for search engines. Use relevant keywords that describe your services and expertise, and craft a compelling meta description to improve visibility.


Your About page is more than just a place to share your credentials; it’s an opportunity to connect with your audience on a personal level. By making it about them, telling your story, and including a strong call-to-action, you can create an About page that resonates and drives engagement.

Remember, your story is unique, and sharing it can create powerful connections that ultimately help your business grow. So take the time to invest in your About page—it’s an opportunity to showcase the heart and soul of your brand.

If you know this isn’t something you’re interested in doing and would like help writing this crucial piece of content, contact me! I’m ready and willing to create captivating stories for your audience.